
When you create value, you become indispensable!

Introducing to you our live radio program every Sunday 12 noon UK time. We will be discussing how to create value with your current skills, education and work experience in order to break out from 9-5 system. I have seen many graduates with lots of skills, certifications, qualifications, degrees and work experience yet depending on employers to employ them first before they can use their skills and certifications. And in most cases, they are rejected by employers because they have no work experience and because they are not working, no income for them leading to more frustrations and graduates from Africa do face more difficult situations that is unbearable and sometimes regrettable.

You can download the Nsima Radio App on your play store for your android devices and apple store for all IOS devices. Also, you can listen on our website You can follow the links to download the app (Android) and (IOS). So you can listen to us anywhere in the world and we believe that you will learn something from the discussion.

When you can create value you will become indispensable to employers and other experts and professionals will be looking for you to offer you a job or more opportunities. As long as you can create value you will not lack income and you will be in a better position to become more successful. Above all, when you create value, it means you are solving problems. When you create value, it means you are providing solutions to people and as long as you are providing solutions or solving problems it means you can be paid for creating value. At this point, you will discover that you can become a boss automatically. It means you can create job opportunities. It means you can employ people to work for you instead of you looking for work.

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By adminsupport

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